"Listen to Start" a poem for the New Moon in Gemini
Start with what you hear
that which is close to you
the arms around you
and how you feel
We begin
with an allegiance to our souls craving
a call to shine a unique light
we whistle while we work
freedom and the unexpected are prized
we love the eccentric and adventure
while reality mounts
it is here
our allegiance to cause and effect serves
and the departure of heartbreak of the morose kind
we can release
but we will never forget our heart again
it radiates the dawn of the world
and the tender light in your eyes and fingertips
holding me holding you
we bath in the summer pools
of spirit and energy
we perceive beyond intellect
what is here
when we acknowledge
that the world is alive with life and message
rich, sensitive, and fertile
hidden joys
and music