The Pigeon's Heart

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Full Moon in Scorpio, May 18th, 2:12 pm PDT

While we meet the depths of our unconscious, may our wings of bliss-heart-body-light emanate. As we feel into patterns around power, feeling, our lower chakras, may no pain be left unturned. Uranus and Venus lift and accelerate our spirit, allowing us to draw charge and rejuvenation from our plunge into what is beneath the surface this Scorpio Full Moon. Capricorn is pressing we take action, responsibility, and maintain integrity in determining our boundaries and choices. What can we leave behind at this point? Our personal and societal goals are undergoing evaluation and major turning points through mid-January.
Today, Venus is alive with light energy and we can experience letting go, fresh start, renewed commitments, and radical heart-centered insights. As it is also Wesak, a celebration of the Buddha’s birth, we might be encouraged by the Buddha’s message of a full blown wisdom intrinsic to our humanity — that can crack like the light of dawn at any moment. Scorpio celebrates the razor sharp edge of impermanence as well as our instinctual selves. We can listen and respect what emerges from our shadows, while staying tethered to responsibility, ground, nature, love, our bodies, and sense of synchronization in ordinary experiences.
Transcendent and serene sensual love accompany this Scorpio plunge, giving great power to our hearts and prayers. Make aspirations, practice, feel, release. The Scorpio-Taurus axis brings us into connection with our interconnectedness, sacred dimensions of experience, and quite simply, our passionate embrace of this world’s complexity— including outrage, waves, grief, power, cement, paint, touch, compassion, bodies, rich, black, gold, surf, sound, tentacles etc.