The Pigeon's Heart

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New Moon in Aries, April 5th, 1:50 am PDT

Take a courageous and open hearted step. The New Moon is the first of the astrological new year and inspires us to authentically individuate and trust our paths while respecting commitments, family, traditions, and the consequences we are reaping from the past. We don’t need to be limited by past dogma or structures however and Aries is a fiery reminder of our freedom to tread as we are inspired to. The presence of the Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn will be effecting us through the year and calls us to bring consciousness to especially the areas Capricorn influences in our birth charts. Intense reckonings are certain to occur so how can we practice discipline, patience, integrity, maturity, and wisdom? Our romantic hearts are likewise inspired and while we may sense our connectivity with and love for all beings, Capricorn insists on boundaries to protect our souls’ missions. This month we are coming out of the hazy yet healing lunar cycle that insisted we spend time in rest and recuperation mode. Consider that this month imagining is still influencing our mode, especially let the heart cleanse, forgive, and make aspirations. While we may be swept away into exalted ethereal states, the Aries Moon celebrates initiation and energy. Celebrate your life force, body, and presence this lunar cycle and begin again where fresh starts are in order. Visualize the peak with your heart, wear a red dress, dance, and blissfully indulge the butterflies of your perception. #newmooninaries