Taurus Season Reflection
As the Sun shifts out of fiery Aries and into conjunction with Uranus in Taurus, I’m feeling the ground remade, spontaneously burned and fertile for renewal. May we relate to the “fathering of our lives” with whatever the messages Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn are delivering us, ever so gradually asking we assess, restructure, and rebuild. Thanks to an incredible tarot reading with @nansekawashima, Uranus’ practical strategies are reaching me, and gravity is resetting. Look to your own wisdom, let the earth, symbols, colors, practical considerations, or sound — speak to you. Venus moving into conjunction with Chiron is also asking we face who we really are and what we want, our talents, and bravery. Always more to say for the sky, but channel that pragmatic Uranian lighting to update the earth of your vision on the spot.