New Moon in Aries, April 15th 6:57 pm PDT
Image by @bynwabugo
The New Moon excites the spirit of the warrior. We are illuminated. The Sun and Moon in Aries are intoxicated with insight, revolution, and progress. We are being initiated into a true path. As the Sun and Moon conjunct Uranus and Mercury turns direct, it is a new beginning. You have everything you need to ignite the sparks of your true aspirations and confidence. Uranus too will charge us with highly unpredictable adventures and occurrences. We can embrace the ground beneath our feet is shifting. Teachings on trusting ourselves, our innate confidence, and fresh mind are essential. It is time to take in as much as we can our confidence in a healthy masculine. We need to trust and empower the assertiveness and direction in ourselves and others, to counter the unhealed dimensions of aggression and assertion that we face now. We can tend to our own wounds around confidence, assertiveness, and initiation to become more fully ourselves, at the same time that we are illuminating for the collective the significance of this straightforwardness, honesty, and initiative. The New Moon comes at the same time that Chiron, the wounded healer, makes a sacred transition into Aries. This transit is about seven years. Don't be surprised if you notice or feel where you are not showing up for yourself. This New Moon is tuning us to a high frequency of progress, forward motion, and learning. We can leap. It is channeling a significant healing we see and feel happening everywhere as the battle for the feminine embodied is aflame. Interestingly, True Lilith is transitioning into Capricorn and trines the Sun, Moon, and Uranus. We have a deep need to learn to sustain ourselves, and this wild and feminine archetype will continue to scream and cut the ears of a too rigid, or too violent masculine. We can embrace the wild instincts of wrathful compassion to purify where rigidity, purpose, aggression, or efficiency are habitual and broken. We can undergo a true awakening and empowerment of bravery. Chiron reminds us it is not something that exists above or beyond vulnerability. It is nestled within, inside the truthfulness of spirit. We need not perform a dance of confidence, true confidence, Chiron says, is close to where we are vulnerable. It is fed by our willingness to be gentle and kind with who we are, without hiding. We need not reject any aspect of shyness. Chiron makes it known that warriorship is grounded in a soft heart. The bravery of the masculine then too, needs relearn how to protect the feminine. It is never in walking over her, but by spreading our arms around one another, holding each other, trusting the awake instincts in both. We can be truthful. Aries teaches and channels self initiation at lightning speed. Connect with your body and instincts, heed the transition that we are collectively undergoing. Take responsibility for the dimensions of healing within that you can, uncomplicated by strategy, revolutionized by soul, trust, and compassion. May what needs to be cleared, clear. A path of fresh initiation and healthy action arrives.
Artwork by @conradroset