"Sweet Kiss" a poem for the New Moon in Taurus, May 15th, 4:48 AM PDT
Image by @jake.sigl
Part I
Mother Earth calls to us
birds cackling and then quiet
the pearl of a new moon
we listen this time
to the stillness within
there’s a brilliant light
an entrance
the sign reads, what do we value?
how can we build our homes?
as we offer
our generosity
as we give up
what there is to hold
a pearly glance
we surrender
and fill with light and fertile earth
she nurtures us
but we must heed her
trust her shifting nature
her silence and rebirth
her music
the quiet glance of moon
wraps flower crowns around our foreheads
sparkling eyes
with lightning
and the spirit in things
not separate from her message
of sound
no speech
no body
outside the life in your body
no life
no feeling
from the wisdom that heeds her graceful winds
and disruptive demands
A call for adventure
Uplift the values of community and progress
Awaken this earth
our world
to honor
her and him
them and they
beyond gender
When conflict dawns may we recognize the potential creative urge
To raise and lift the spirits of the wind
To magnetize delight and splendor
Mindful of stubbornness and any pattern of drawing arms
We can delight
and push towards something greater
There is work to be done
We will not give up
Stay in integrity
Build steadily despite the wild call of soul
Embrace contradiction
Speed and careful work
Delight in simplicity, body, and life
Enjoy challenge with humor and surrender
This can be our practice
Part II
This New Moon emerges from the shadows of consciousness
Ready to act
Touched by stillness
Made love to in the cavern of Earth’s body
A shimmering slight in darkness
Is eager, exalted, ready
We reach for silence
In music and dance
The gold of this body
Of this earth and home
Of this life,
What we value and hold dear
We can offer
to beautify soul
What do you seek?
Allow motivation to expand
Uranus challenges limited value systems
It will bring new and unexpected opportunities and insight
It will revitalize systems connected with finances, the body, nature, farming, music, beauty wellness, astrology
Anticipate new technologies and breakthroughs
May the Earth be well
May we hasten towards our vision
With bravery and truthful touch
We are weary of secure and easy answers that might indicate a collective discomfort
Weary of victimhood or escape
We draw magic to our fingertips with subtle attention
Feeling through genuine layers of being
Ask for what we need
Determine what that is
Let it be revolutionized by vision
and change
The New Moon moon can support your goals
Wherever we seek comfort out of fear or grasping, we may encounter opposition
May we surrender to not knowing and develop trust in sensation and body
Progressive values may encounter resistance
May we embrace that energy to rouse ourselves and create
A world,
Wisdom rises