New Moon Solar Eclipse (partial) in Leo, August 11th 2:58 AM PDT
Egon Schiele @nan_ette
The cosmic energies of the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo invite us to reset our soul intentions, to feel into the energies of heart, creativity, and joy. Where does the heart of the lion exist in us? Go that way. We must be authentic to our creativity and vision, while not resisting or distracting ourselves from the reality of detail and pragmatism. As we roar, we continue to prepare the ground and work directly with our unconscious, fears, and emotional patterns. The yang or Sun within expands into space as we discover a healthy masculine assertion, capacity for boundaries, discipline, and protection. Our good hearts can nurture the light in others. Our unique vision and creativity is super powered, as long as we are willing to relate to the real, the painful, and the unresolved. Is it possible that light exists even in darkness, that the flame of heart is undying? The lions mane is said to spread turquoise clouds as we take our seats in golden armor and embrace even the lonely aspect of space. As we envision, we relate with earth and community. As we perceive a spiritual ideal and make aspirations, we can awaken to unconditional tenderness. We cannot escape ourselves or others, no matter how regal. The lion’s dignity is not withheld by fear or unconscious sources of behavior. Look. Look with mercilessness compassion and loyalty, to the unconditional heart of experience.
We can celebrate this magnanimous fresh start energy, keeping in mind that all of the retrograde planetary bodies maintain the spirit of working within. We discover our unique light and gifts through an inner process of surrender and revaluation. Prioritize, stay real, and make offerings to the wisdom, light, and magnanimity that is at the essence of our life-force. If we face ourselves thoroughly, including our shadows, responsibility, projections of others, inadequacies, and fear— we can take our seats by embracing everything with bravery and open heart.