New Moon in Scorpio, October 27th, 8:38 PM PDT
Image from @vanajourney
Image from @vanajourney — New Moon in Scorpio, October 27th, 8:38 PM PDT — This new moon I’m experiencing the stirring of something new. Some new way of being. One where the expectations I had of intimacy and other dissolve in a mist under the warm rays of a golden sun. Those of us with Scorpionic waters in our natal chart one way or another may likely have experienced the cruel bite of love not returned or need not satisfied. Who hasn’t. Except this New Moon, we are encouraged by the lapping motion of salt waves in the shallow to notice— to notice where we have long held in ways that no longer serve. Is your heart bigger? Is what you thought deluded in the mud of expectation, formative wounds, and projection. Can we embrace and surrender to ourselves, our lives, and our relationships as they are? Can we love anyway, leaning back into clear water. Even when we/they fill in the blank. I have shamelessly been on a journey of practicing valuing and honoring my responses and genuine feeling for some years now— this was a reaction, to an extreme perhaps, of becoming aware that I was not listening enough— to myself— at a time. Now, this New Moon and the Suns’ opposition to Uranus is making me think about all the ways any form of fixation dissolves. The way each moment is fresh. I must listen and I must also release. May we do both so that the profound compassion intrinsic to Scorpios truer waters can reveal itself. First we need to listen, experience, and embrace ourselves and every arising - but can we simultaneously recognize space. In the meditation tradition I am exposed to this might be described as touch and go. It makes my heart ache in the quality that fixed signs will — when their deepest longings feel — somehow unmet. And yet, fixed signs, Scorpio, your greatest joy and fulfillment may be born of release. I want to hold the tug of war, but I cannot fight anymore. I want to take you with me, but the ever expansive sea is indifferent. Oh this Scorpio New Moon, feel into your depths, your discomfort and grief —your surrender— and release. Every appearance is a message and teaching for the heart — to open.