New Moon in Pisces, March 6th, 8:04 AM PST
Art by @renata_kos_gestaltung
The New Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune and Vesta supports instant remembering of a light that is unconditional. Whatever chaos or confusion we may experience, this light is beyond conditions. We can release and trust the purity of our hearts regardless of external circumstances. At the same time, it is a difficult time to evaluate conditions outside of ourselves. Relating with our subjectivity and the laundering of our own consciousness is essential. We can easily absorb collective dreams, longings, and negativity.
The New Moon heightens our sensitivity and absorbency. We could stagnate with emotional or spiritual toxicity. However, the New Moon calls we regenerate in connection with our highest frequencies. We can do this through practicing whatever nourishes our spirit. Maybe it’s an aimless walk, yoga, drawing, dance, meditation, whatever it is - creativity is enhanced, intuition is enhanced, and soulful nourishment is essential. We need not be so concerned with emotional transformation this New Moon but more feeling, allowing, and being. We can shape shift on the spot and connect with our highest aspirations and awareness. As much as possible, we need heed psychic boundaries this month. We’re accessing an open portal that anything can come through. We need not fear this, but mind it. We need not fight, but allow the gentleness and love in us to catch fire. Honor sacredness and magic. Anticipate messages and coincidence.
@maemaejewelry reminded me of the wake of love that is possible at all times through the strength of our energy. Like thunder in space, the stellium in Pisces resounds with oceans of coincidence and love. Like every sensitive person learns, potential can also lead to equal parts confusion or overwhelm. Openness creates space for things to latch on. Again, we need boundaries of some kind. What are those for you? While we practice connecting with these high frequencies and our aspirations, we need structure. Give over to timelessness without forgetting time altogether. Mercury also retrograde through the 28th emphasizes that we are undergoing a time of regeneration and recharge.
Rest and experiment with accessing your light. Call on guides, your body, source, rest in awareness, whatever you need to rejuvenate in non linear fashion. Submerge in gentleness and love. Create, feel, dream, dance, allow. Let every time you fall in love let it be a mirror of the romantic soul within you that yearns to bloom. Nourish this. Wherever you may experience yearning, let it guide you to that in you that longs to know you intimately. Spend time there, be tender with the difficult parts too. May we over and over overflow with the gift of being - or whatever it is - that we long for.
It’s not time to push projects forward, steady. Heed timing and the collective inspiration for a more kind, more compassionate, more uplifted world. We could be crushed by disillusionment if we do not heed complete gentleness. Again, relate with the earth, schedules/bodies, to be sure the high frequencies we are in connection with can take shape in our real day to day lives.
The theme of boundary is also connected with sacred dedication. Vesta propels us to let magic and coincidence guide us. She may propel unexpected guests or events, but she ultimately aims to activate our devotion. What is it to and for? Where does she insist we need psychic boundaries? She invites we align ourselves with sacred and primal purpose.
Pisces reminds us that every moment is dissolving as soon as it has arisen. Pisces doesn’t allow us land anywhere. There is no logic that can pin it down. Those close to this sign by birth are ungraspable, intangible. They flow endlessly through a kaleidoscope of shapes, colors, perception, mood and feeling. The last sign of the zodiac, Pisces knows the love in others completely, and need only trust it’s capacity to radiate the spirit of magic that is beyond what you or her or him or they think. We do not need to take the shape of the room.
While all this is happening, cataclysmic changes might occur in our lives, especially those with strong Taurus in their chart. Uranus has entered Taurus, and we are waking up to new approaches to the very practical dimensions of our lives. New insights might inform especially whatever area of our life Taurus rules. We need heed the earth, that is one definite, and that means the earth of our planet, the earth of our bodies, the earth of our existence. At the same time, Taurus could stubbornly go forward without awakening to the magic of perception, without being nourished truly and deeply. See previous post (instagram) for more on Uranus into Taurus and anticipate more to come on the ingress chart for the seven year period. Recall that our gentleness cannot survive a harsh environment. May it bloom in an environment of trust, boundaries and surrender.