Full Moon in Sagittarius, June 17th, 1:31 AM + Neptune retrograde & Summer Solstice

We are remaking the world, we can reestablish our perspective and approach to building our lives and communities. Listen, to the movement of imagination, through the portal of an open heart. No pain is too much once we remember to expand from its deep teachings. I suppose I run the very risk of this Full Moon in my suggestion here, that risk is that we lose our ground in high mindedness and forget what is essential to ground and sustain us.
The imagination and vision proclaimed by this Moon and the upcoming Summer Solstice require action in the space of uncertainty, personal authority, and trust. Our work is cut out for us with Saturn’s nearness to the South Node, while we are called to mother and nurture our lives, vision, families, spirit, (and all beings ;)).
We can remake to the extent that we participate in imagining and choice. Long held patterns can be recognized and seen through. With Neptune’s retrograde, we need heed silence, trust, and the whispers of love. Understand that we may not know which direction the next steps will arise from, but a subtle love flows, nourishing that which is beyond our grasp. This can inform our choices. In other words, an unconditional gentleness can guide and expand our consciousness.
So far I am leaning into a great potential of this Moon, but remember deceit, dogmatism, bloated and blind spiritual arrogance are also distinct possibilities. While we imagine we might also observe our cultural/political/spiritual patterns, biases, arrogance and bi-passing. We can examine our beliefs and escape routes. Sagittarius loves to have a belief and while this can inspire a lifetime, it is transcendent knowledge that ultimately nourishes spirit and wisdom, I suspect. While we stand for what we believe, we might also humble to a less dogmatic, more mutable, kind of knowing. We can celebrate a gentle curiosity, with sensitivity to spirit and intuition, this Full Moon and Summer Solstice.