March 20th-24th Amethyst Notes
Amethyst point by @adamcustins —
Guys astrology important message, BY March 20-24th ensure you are taking care, have a set-up for yourselves and your loved ones, and can work in whatever way you know how on uplifting and healing from an energetic point of view what we face. There are some aggressive energies and we need to be weary and relate to their power with the mercy and power of Tara’s light and our own beings source of infinite wisdom refuge. We can be here — and we can let the messages of impermanence move us to greater heights of being, compassion, and awareness. Those of you at home have a long needed time to rest, be still, and heal. Regulate your energy and time, be disciplined with yourselves for the sake of our communities and planet. We can step into the profound changes and challenges we face with bravery, innovation, and the execution of real change by the time we reach the other end. May we listen and in stillness find solace and wonder at the profound message and teaching that is our lives. Much love, more ranting soon— but mind March 20-24!! FOR REAL 💎💎💎