Astrological New Year — Sun in Aries
#rg via @aunti_biotic art by Kitano Tsunetomi, 1911 —
It’s the astrological New Year, meaning the Sun has come full circle into life in Aries activating our life force and the energy of new beginnings. I know, it might not feel that way, but in fact? Could we stay alive to ourselves and our environments enough to perceive the ever shifting present? Uranus in Taurus is activating our potential to redefine what we value and how we achieve “wealth”. Seek the wealth and magic naturally available to you through your being. Create and visualize from that conviction. You are rich. You are capable of healing lifetimes of habit towards ignorance. You can be available to this moment and meet it with the creativity and life force of the ram and water bearer. If Capricorn follows its present trajectory we will see more sickness and suffering. No doubt we are in the midst of a tragedy around the world, yet I aspire we find the time during this pause to connect with the moments we have. This painting elicits for me the appreciation of detail and space. May we go bigger - in our hearts, in our contemplations, in our capacity to help all those around us to carry through and find healing during the challenges we face. If we face sickness we need to be prepared, if we face loss, how will we do it? And yet these are ever present realities of our human life. There is potential right now, because in every challenge can come growth and creative action. Please heed the warnings and keep yourselves and your communities safe and begin this year wondering, dreaming, and being accountable to what it is you can do and be... find the moment, explore it, see it ever shifting... Xoxox May we initiate new life and a society that tends to the needs and dignity of all.