Astrology Offerings

During a Birth Chart Consultation we explore a map of the sky at the moment and location of a clients’ birth. This map, the astrology birth chart, is a divine mirror that reflects who we are and our needed soulful learning during a lifetime. Together we imaginatively investigate the messages of the sky and discover sacred dimensions of one’s path, being, relationships, and life.

One’s astrology chart can be explored in an ongoing way to more deeply connect with the power of imagining, intuition, and messengers of the sky.

In these sessions we look at life-cycle transits, progressions, feminine asteroids, chiron, and doorways of transformation in the chart. A look brief look at an important relationship is available upon request.

Packages are recommended for those who’d like to work together 4x or more during a year.

For those who wish to touch in with their chart twice a year, a bi-annual package rate is available.

In a Relationship Consultation two people are welcome to participate to explore their astrological synastry together. These consults can help to see partners, collaborators, and/or family with fresh eyes and appreciation. They provide a gently held environment for vulnerable communication, growth, connection, and celebration of one another.

Although partner readings are the most popular these are useful to look at astrological dynamics present between any two people.

Messenger Relationship Consults are for return clients (one person) who wish to look deeply at a relationship during a consultation. During a session we look at the soulful needs and life-cycles of each person as well energetic dynamics present in a relationship.

Relationship analysis is a powerful tool for partners, family members, collaborators, potential hires, new housemates, or friends!

Once you discover the powerful way astrology can reflect relationship dynamics you may be eager to look at relationship charts of more than one person in your life. A consult package to look at four or more relationships during a year is available.

If you are familiar with astrology already or have a specific request we can work together to suit your need.

These consultations can include date selection, event analysis, relationships consults, a deep look at the asteroids in a chart including Lilith, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Ceres. We can spend an entire session exploring Chiron, the wounded healer! We can look at travel destinations, relocated charts, and/or creative projects. The divine mirror of the sky carries infinite messages for carrier pigeons.

Pricing for special consultations is determined on an individual basis.

A recording of each session is available.

Contact me to discuss your inspiration and needs.