Full Moon in Gemini, November 22nd, 9:40 PM PST
New Moon in Scorpio, November 7th, 8:03 AM PST
Full Moon in Taurus, October 24th, 9:45 AM PDT
New Moon in Libra, October 8th, 8:47 PM PDT
Venus shifts retrograde in Scorpio & Libra, October 5th - November 15th
"Title-less is the Title" a poem to the New Moon in Virgo
New Moon in Virgo, September 9th, 11:01 AM PDT
Full Moon in Pisces, August 26th 4:56 AM PDT
"Turquoise Place" a poem for the New Moon in Leo
New Moon Solar Eclipse (partial) in Leo, August 11th 2:58 AM PDT
New Moon in Cancer, July 12th, 7:48 PM PDT
"Listen to Start" a poem for the New Moon in Gemini
New Moon in Gemini, June 13th 12:43 PM PDT
Love: A Bizarre Nexus Of Emotion
Contributor, Christopher Weeces, LoveGenevieve Waltchercreewee, christopherweeces, love, poetry, art, bizarre, existential, contributor, peppercorntree
Full Moon in Sagittarius, May 29th 7:21 AM PDT
"Sweet Kiss" a poem for the New Moon in Taurus, May 15th, 4:48 AM PDT
New Moon in Taurus, May 2018 / Uranus transits into Taurus
Let's write a song about the song of the birds:
Post Full Moon in Scorpio, April 30th
New Moon in Aries, April 15th 6:57 pm PDT